Friday, September 23, 2011


So here I am coming up on my 6th week of school and the only thing I can think about is tests, tests, tests... So far in the first 5 weeks I had my first college test in my math class on Thursday morning and I believe that it went pretty well.  The problem with that is, well it was math if you get it you get it and if you don't you don't.  In math I pretty much learn everything I need to know in class and during homework so there was not much studying involved.  Now on the other hand for my FREX and THEO and engineering classes I will be studying as if there is no tomorrow.  For one in my FREX class I know that I have done a little reading here and there but I have not completed all the required reading so all weekend I will be going back, rereading chapters and filling out the optional extra credit worksheets for the chapters we have covered.  Now in theology I have to go back and remember everyone's name and the years certain things happened and the message certain authors were trying to convey.  We are reading a book in that class about a man who goes to prisons and has bible studies with inmates.  I need to basically know how he would talk given a certain story and how he would tell it to the inmates.  I am not looking forward to the essay part of the test were I have to answer 4 questions in 7-10 complete sentences.BLAH! The one I am most worried about however is my Intro to Engineering class.  Throughout the class we have taken so many pages of notes it's unbelievable! I am so unsure of how I am going to go about studying for this but something tells me throughout this entire week I will be getting little sleep with tons of studying.  I'm not really sure if I have a test this week for my PSYCH class or not so I hope we don't.  If we do it is just going to make the week longer and more hectic for me.  It seems like stress is going to get me this week.  Now on the other hand I finally got my new driver and I am so excited.  I took it out to the course today and it's perfect.  I am hitting the ball further with it and also driving the ball more accurate.  People say "It's the Indian not the arrow" but in some cases in my opinion it helps if the arrow is a little more sharpened than the others.  Since my driver was such a success I now definitely cannot wait till my irons and my wedges come in.  I am so excited, but BLAHH it's going to be a very long week!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Still Truckin'

As week four starts to come to an end I am finally starting to fell bits and pieces of exhaustion and stress in my college life.  I found out this past week that all my tests are in the week after this one so I am going to be putting in long hours of study and receiving little sleep over the next few weeks.  I know I am up to it I just kind of don't want to do it.  I am a huge procrastinator and I am not looking forward to all this studying but I have got to figure out a way to push through it.  Time and time again in high school I didn’t do the studying I needed or put it off and never get around to it.  This was mostly my senior year of course, which was the same year that my GPA dropped the most.  Even looking at this blog I know its due in three hours and I am just getting around to it.  It’s funny because in college I go to school about 18 hours a week with my lab which is about half of the hours I attended in high school yet the work/study load is definitely quadrupled.  Time management seems like it is going to be my best friend this year.  I am going to HAVE to put my planner to effective use if I want to be successful this year.  On the other hand my new clubs should be coming in any day now that I ordered from the coach.  God I can’t wait, it will be the first time I have ever had new clubs, all the other clubs I’ve had have been hand me downs.  The fall season only has three tournaments left and maybe I’ll be able to make the traveling team if I score high enough.  Hopefully the clubs I ordered will help me take it to the next step in my game.  Oh and hopefully this rain keeps coming.  I am so loving it except for the fact that I will be cutting the grass again soon but still hopefully it stay’s we really need this rain especially for all the golf courses out there.  Maybe this will be a rainy season instead of just another session where it rains and then not again for three months.  Texas is pretty due well at least this part.  Also this is good for all the fires out there and the "dryness". Maybe now things will calm down and these wild fires that keep popping up out of nowhere will settle down as well. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tlu Week 3

So it was my third week here at Tlu not to mention college in general and it's going pretty good so far.  Classes are going well and college is definitely not as scary as what people made it out to be.  I am rather enjoying going to a school like this where teachers actually do help to an extent instead of just letting you be a head in the crowd.  It seems like just about all my time is being taken up between golf and studies.  I have homework every night just about and I study even more than that.  The hour and a half every day of commuting back and forth is really killing me so for all you people living on campus just know you got it good.  Our first golf tournament is tomorrow and although I didn't make the first team I at least made the second so I am happy about that.  The only downfall is that tomorrow is going to be such a long day.  I have to walk 36 holes of golf which equals anywhere from 8-10 hours.  It's going to be hot to, I kind of wish it was just winter already.  Following tuesday I have got to walk another 18 holes.  All this is completely different from my high school where most of the time it was walk 18 holes and you're done.  Another downfall is that I'm missing school and although in high school this was an awesome feat, now I actually wanna be in class. I know I can not afford to miss lectures as this could really hurt me.  I need to figure out a way to stay up with my classes even when I'm not there.  I can already tell this will be a difficult year but I know I'll find a way to push through it.  Being in college and also playing golf means so much to me and my family and I am just so thankful to be here.  Also thank you professor Barry for letting making us do these blog posts.  It doesn't just act like a journal and give me something to write about every day or at least once a week, it also helps me think about what I have to do for classes in terms of homework and studies when I'm trying to scratch out every last sentence to think about.  It's going to be a great year here at TLU and I am really looking forward to it.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

First Two Weeks Of school

The transition from high school life to college life has been pretty good so far.  I am loving the shorter day's as they are giving me more time for my studies.  I may have to study more now and a have a bit more homework but it's worth it not having to sit in class for eight hours a day.  Tuesday's and wednesday are AWESOME as I am out by 11:45 each day.  I do rather regret being a commuter especially when every day i have class at eight except friday which is another awesome day of course.  I am loving how much time I am getting to spend pracicing for the sport I play which is golf.  It use to be I played other sports such as football or baseball and golf was once a week or twice a week if I was lucky.  Now it's like every day I have a chance to play with the two golf courses within five miles of the school and ofcourse the very convenient driving range on campus.  I am super excited I have all four of my qualifying rounds already completed so that way I don't have to worry about them this upcoming week of school.  I still have to write a two page paper for psychology over a 30 page chapter for this upcoming week but Labor day helps everything as now it's not due till wednesday and I have another full day to write it.  I have already made tons of friends here at Tlu and I think all my professors are awesome.  It feels as if i can ask any one of them for help whenever I want without them giving me the "stupid look" which I recieved a bit in high school from certain teachers.  I am so happy that I get the chance to go to college here in all honesty.  It's like a big family, I don't just feel like a another head the professor's are teaching to. Even the students are awesome no one categorizes themself as better than anyone else and all are friendly.  I am also really excited that everyone on the golf team is really nice and willing to help with whatever I need whenever I need it.  It looks like this is going to be a great year and I look forward to posting these blogs whenever I get the chance.